Friday, November 14, 2008

President Obama

So now that I have my president of choice I feel so lackluster toward politics now lol

I'll be back to give my big long (hopefully) view of things that have happened since 11/04/2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pres Debate, John McCain and that damn plumber

So McCain decided to use this Joe the plumber dude as an example of an average American and how Obama's tax plan will effect people like him.

That damn plumber makes $250k a year????!?!?!?!?! He probably pays in taxes my yearly salary and he wants to base his critique of Obama's plan that most small business owners I know and have read their opinions like. I'm not going to pretend to know anything about taxes (I just know that I pay them and get small return back). BUT I cannot look to McCain to make the situation better if he can't even pay the taxes on his own property and then to base his opinion on someone who makes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than most a year.

The average american household makes about $50,233.00, I don't even make that much, however, I'd prefer to see what their tax plans would do for someone who falls under that amount more than I would someone who makes $200,000 thousand more than the average "Joe".

Give me a freaking break, the dude makes $250,000 and he catered the whole debate around this cat.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Maine and Nebraska Electoral College


Nebraska and Maine are the only two states who spilt up their electoral votes, so Obama could get pieces of Nebraska's 5 electoral votes if he wins one of the districts, not a whole lot of points but...............

We're getting Maine so there is no need to discuss them but they have 4 electoral votes.

Update Electoral Map

So the site I use for my polling information, FiveThirtyEight, has updated their electoral map and have North Carolina, Indiana, Ohio, and Nevada going blue.


I sure do hope so!

They are giving Louisana to McCain though....I'm holding out hope but it is the south.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Register to vote

Updated Electoral Map total

According to the Huffington Post, Obama has pulled ahead in Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania. I've already given him Pa, so if we add Ohio and Florida to his count that would bring the totals to:


If he gets just Ohio then its 306

If he gets just Florida then its 313

I don't know if he'd get both, I'd say he'd get either or but I highly doubt both

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Electoral Map 09/25/08

I think we'll get Ohio, Indiana and New Mexico, but they're polling a little close to say for sure.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Palin and McCain...Match Made In Heaven???

I was just reading George Will's article in the Washington Post titled 'McCain Loses His Head' and it got me to thinking that Palin and McCain are really a match made in heaven.

Peep game

Palin said, and I'm paraphrasing, that the private companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac where a tax burden on the people, though they weren't funded through the taxes we pay. That clearly showed she was talking about something she had no idea about. Kinda like the Bush Doctrine she has no clue about "In what regard Chaaaaaaarlie"

Then we have McCain who recently called for the firing of the SEC chairman, Chris Cox, which showed that he has no idea what a president can do, cause he sure in hell can't fire the SEC chairman.

I think that makes them a match made in heaven....neither one of them know anything, but you would think they would be able to make up for whatever the other lacks but they're clearly both clueless.

(sorry my work computer doesn't have photoshop so I had to use paint)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

lmao Penis and Football

So I'm late in finding out Chris Cooley of the Redskins mistakenly posted a picture of his penis in his blog when posting a picture of his playbook.

The book was in his lap and he was ummmm naked

Check it out

(Completely not political but darn funny)

Mccain and the Blackberry

So, we have him to thank for the blackberry?? Or is the Canadian company Research in Motion who created the blackberry????

Or was he partially responsible for facilitating the technology much like Gore was for bringing about the internet??? Hmmmmmmmm

government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

I think David Brooks sums up Sarah Palin quite well:

"Sarah Palin has many virtues. If you wanted someone to destroy a corrupt establishment, she’d be your woman. But the constructive act of governance is another matter. She has not been engaged in national issues, does not have a repertoire of historic patterns and, like President Bush, she seems to compensate for her lack of experience with brashness and excessive decisiveness. "

I think she should stay in Alaska, she's very pro-Alaska, almost to a fault. She's the have a beer with you while eating your mooseburger type person, which is why she should not be the next VP or President. We have a beer drinking friend in the white house and you see where that got us.

I used Abraham Lincoln's words in the title to tie in with the notion of the people's president, a president who is like us and works for us. Bush, well he isn't like most but he's like a lot of us, and he's a terrible president. I believe Palin to be very similar in that regard, she's like a lot of "us," working mom, soccer hockey mom, wife, etc, but like Mr. Brooks said "she has not been engaged in national issues." Everything was about what the position can do for Alaska, not what she can do for the country. I guess living in Alaska is like living in your own country....wait wasn't she or her husband a member of that Alaskan Independent Party which believes in secession from the US????

Waaaaait a minute!

Thats my opinion, and I'm sticking to it!

Monday, September 15, 2008


“The issue of economics is not something I’ve understood as well as I should” Sen John Mccain

After the dow drops 504 points, the worse day on the market since 9/11 and Mccain says

"Our economy, I think, still the fundamentals of our economy are strong."

Dow drops 500 points

Fundamentals of the economy are strong

Lehman Brothers declares bankruptcy

Fundamentals of the economy are strong

National unemployment rate is 6.1, Michigan unemployment rate 8.5....the worse in the US and the state I live in yet....

Fundamentals of the economy are strong

I think he really meant what he said that he doesn't know about the economy like he should

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Questions for Palin

Excellent article By Katha Pollitt

If I had 5 questions to ask Sara Palin, they would be:

1) How would you prepare for a possible war with Russia? Would you try diplomacy first or go in with your guns a blazing from the helicopter like you do with the wolves?

2) Looking at the images of the north pole from over the years, you can see how the ice is melting. The melting directly correlates with the increase of green house gases. How do you explain the melting? Also, what effects, whether they're human made or not, do you believe this melting will have on the environment?

3) With your daughter deciding to keep her baby and you praised that decision, wouldn't that make you pro-choice? Since it was a decision that was made, instead of her not thinking about any other choice, that seems to me to be pro-choice.

4)What do you attribute to the debt you left in Wasilla when you left office? There was a balance budget before you got there and a reported $22 million debt when you left.

5) What would you consider to be your economic philosophy?

Karl Rove Thinks McCain has gone too far!

Courtesy of the Huffington Post:

You know you've crossed the line when Rove says it

Saturday, September 13, 2008

McCain Being Called Out On The View

So it takes a woman's talk show to finally get talking about the McCain ad lies. And he's defending them!

And what I don't get is why is his answer to why he's gone negative is because Obama wouldn't do the debates in town hall meetings! That is soooooooooooooooooo childish. You won't play how I want to play so I'm going to call you mean things. And we're suppose to trust our lives, out country to this man??? Ummmm, thanks but no thanks.

Sticks and Stones McCain

Does he realize how that and his ads makes him look in the eyes of those he's trying to win over? He looks desparate, he looks out of touch. He's grasping for straws here.

Thats my opinion and I'm sticking to it!

Friday, September 12, 2008

McCain's Camp sends out invalid absentee ballot applications

And I'm not lying

Foreign Policy Expert

Look, because I live in Michigan and I can see Canada from my office building, I'm a foreign policy expert! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

Palin on her foreign policy expertise from the same Gibson interview:

"They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."

Seriously, she said that

Introduction pt 2

I think I should get this out in case I get any readers.

I really don't know much about politics. I've voted in every presidential election since I turned 18 in 2000 (ok so its only been 2 of them but I voted in both), I've voted in the primaries and other local elections as well (I will admit I did not vote in this election's primary because my candidate was not on the ballot here in Michigan and writing his name in meant nothing so I did not go).

Local politics have angered me, my generation doesn't tend to vote, especially here and we have a large orthodox Jewish community and they vote and their vote tends to decide what goes on for the rest of us.

But any who, I learned about the government and all the branches and all that jazz in high school and truthly I have forgotten much of it. However, this current election cycle has energized within me a need to know what's going on and the more you try to learn the more you know we as citizens have no idea. I never paid attention to what was going on in Washington, I didn't feel the need to. That was all until I heard Obama speak at the 2004 DNC and it manifested itself even greater when he decided to run for president. I became an instant supporter though I wasn't sure of his chances. I believe, if it were not for him and had he hadn't won the primary I would not be this involved in the political process. I've turned into a political nerd/geek. Who liveblogs about the DNC and normal political talk shows???

LOL I do! And I enjoy it!

So this is what brings me to blog. I've gotten into the process, I've turned some Clinton people into Obama supporters and it feels good! So hopefully, if I get some readers, my little blog based on my little, but growing knowledge of the political process will provide some entertainment, create some discussion. Just get some people to think about those who don't know much, who may be first time voters and trying to play catch up.

I've provided some links at the bottom that will hopefully help someone

That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it!
Obama/Biden 08/12

Barack Obama's site (please donate!):

John McCain's site (you have to be informed):

Democratic Party:

Republican Party:

Check you facts, can't always believe what you read/hear/see:

Sara Palin

Her Pick

John Sidney McCain’s historical vp pick was done, in my opinion, to cover two basis. Hillary Clinton was not picked to be on the democratic ticket so Palin’s pick was to try to pick up on those angry Clinton supporters. The second reason was to energize the republican evangelical base. She is the uber right wing religious poster girl. She’s for creationism being taught in schools (public schools funded by tax dollars and the government….guess she doesn’t remember the whole separation of church and state), she “inquired” about banning books at the public library (though denies the firing or the attempt at firing the head librarian even though there was a documented uproar about it), she’s pro-life (though praises her unwed teenage daughter’s CHOICE in deciding to keep her baby) If I was a conservative right winger I’d probably be super excited about this choice.

Why it won’t work

No need to go into details, just watch her answers to Charles Gibson’s question about the Bush Doctrine…she had no idea what it was and instead of saying she wasn’t familiar with it, she just babbled on about bs

She used the key pair of words bush and co used in defending this war a billion times…….”Islamic extremists” where is Bill Maher when you need him?

War With Russia?

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd! She’s willing to go to war with Russia!!! With what army????? Oh you mean the one that John McCain has voted against to help, he thinks they’re using the position to use the perks like a getting an education while they risk their lives to defend this country???? So what if they get in, serve their time, get their education and decide not to re-enlist, that is their decision! Maybe if the republicans wasn’t forcing them into wars they do not believe in, wars that is not benefiting the US, wars that is not even targeting the right enemy they would continue to serve.

That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it!


Well, I've been told that all I talk about bodily functions and politics and should just make a blog about it so here it is.

I want to first get this out. I'm for Obama...............In a big way! So my opinions will be slightly biased. But, the republicans are so obviously terrible that my bias is really the truth! :)

My first real blog will be coming soon.