Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pres Debate, John McCain and that damn plumber

So McCain decided to use this Joe the plumber dude as an example of an average American and how Obama's tax plan will effect people like him.

That damn plumber makes $250k a year????!?!?!?!?! He probably pays in taxes my yearly salary and he wants to base his critique of Obama's plan that most small business owners I know and have read their opinions like. I'm not going to pretend to know anything about taxes (I just know that I pay them and get small return back). BUT I cannot look to McCain to make the situation better if he can't even pay the taxes on his own property and then to base his opinion on someone who makes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than most a year.

The average american household makes about $50,233.00, I don't even make that much, however, I'd prefer to see what their tax plans would do for someone who falls under that amount more than I would someone who makes $200,000 thousand more than the average "Joe".

Give me a freaking break, the dude makes $250,000 and he catered the whole debate around this cat.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Maine and Nebraska Electoral College


Nebraska and Maine are the only two states who spilt up their electoral votes, so Obama could get pieces of Nebraska's 5 electoral votes if he wins one of the districts, not a whole lot of points but...............

We're getting Maine so there is no need to discuss them but they have 4 electoral votes.

Update Electoral Map

So the site I use for my polling information, FiveThirtyEight, has updated their electoral map and have North Carolina, Indiana, Ohio, and Nevada going blue.


I sure do hope so!

They are giving Louisana to McCain though....I'm holding out hope but it is the south.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Register to vote

Updated Electoral Map total

According to the Huffington Post, Obama has pulled ahead in Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania. I've already given him Pa, so if we add Ohio and Florida to his count that would bring the totals to:


If he gets just Ohio then its 306

If he gets just Florida then its 313

I don't know if he'd get both, I'd say he'd get either or but I highly doubt both