Sunday, September 14, 2008

Questions for Palin

Excellent article By Katha Pollitt

If I had 5 questions to ask Sara Palin, they would be:

1) How would you prepare for a possible war with Russia? Would you try diplomacy first or go in with your guns a blazing from the helicopter like you do with the wolves?

2) Looking at the images of the north pole from over the years, you can see how the ice is melting. The melting directly correlates with the increase of green house gases. How do you explain the melting? Also, what effects, whether they're human made or not, do you believe this melting will have on the environment?

3) With your daughter deciding to keep her baby and you praised that decision, wouldn't that make you pro-choice? Since it was a decision that was made, instead of her not thinking about any other choice, that seems to me to be pro-choice.

4)What do you attribute to the debt you left in Wasilla when you left office? There was a balance budget before you got there and a reported $22 million debt when you left.

5) What would you consider to be your economic philosophy?


Mike McElrath said...
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Mike McElrath said...

"Economic philosophy? Uhh...I'll just hire another city manager, wait country they have those?" -Sarah Palin